Of the Defense of the Heel, or Blunt End of the Halberd ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````` For the defense of the abovesaid two blows, it is requisite as I have already said, that a man stand with the contrary foot before, to that, of the enemy's. And as the enemy (after the fastening of the weapons) endeavors to lift them up, (being well awares thereof) he ought to recover his Halberd by the increase of a pace, and strike with the heel at the enemy's thigh or belly, and then changing his hands, he shall deliver an edge blow, without any other retiring of himself, or moving of his hands, The which blow shall lightly speed, being nimbly delivered. And when it speeds not, yet, it will safely ward the edge blow, which the enemy shall give. And this may suffice for asmuch as concerns the blows of the Halberd in single combat, wherein there is any difficulty to be found, the which, a man must seek to avoid by all means, especially endeavoring by all possible ways to deliver thrusts, without tying or entangling of his weapon. But although the enemy's weapon, may not be tied to any prescript law or order, (for he also uses, all the policy he may to avoid danger) yet these blows with their fastenings are laid down, because I presuppose, that who so is skillful to strike, notwithstanding these difficulties, will be much more adventurous, in striking when he shall find little, or nothing to hinder him, As for example, when in fight he meets with a weapon of the Staff of the self same, or of greater length, but yet, void of hooks or forks: For seeing his own weapon, is only able to hook, and drive outwards the enemy's weapon, he may safely deliver an edge blow, with the increase of a pace, being sure, that he may not be stroked again, but only with a thrust, which the enemy may not deliver, but of force, must either retire his staff, either his feet, under which time, an edge blow may be delivered without danger.