Deceits or Falsings of the single Sword, or single Rapier ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` As I take not Victory to the end and scope of falsing, but rather nimbleness of body and dexterity in play: So, casting aside the consideration how a man is either covered or discovered, and how he has more or less advantage, I say that there may be framed at single sword so many wards, as there be ways to move the hand and foot. Therefore in falsing there may be framed the high, low, and broad ward, with the right foot behind and before: a man may bear his sword with the point backwards and forwards: he may bear his right hand on the left side, with his sword's point backwards: he may stand at the low ward with the point backwards and forwards, bending towards the ground. And standing in all these ways, he may false a thrust above, and force it home beneath above, he may false it without and deliver it within, or contrariwise. And according to the said manner of thrusting he may deliver edgeblows, right, reversed, high and low, as in that case shall most advantage him. Farther he may false an edgeblow, and deliver it home: as for example, to false a right blow on high, and deliver home a right and reverse blow, high or low. In like for the reverse is falsed, by delivering right or reverse blows, high or low. But it is to be considered, that when he bears his sword with his point backwards, he false no other then the edgeblow, for then thrusts are discommodious. And because men do much use at this weapon, to beat off the point of the sword with their hands: therefore he must in that case for his greater readiness & advantage, suffer his sword to sway to that side, whether the enemy bears it, joining to that motion as much force as he may, performing therein a full circular blow, and delivering it at the enemy. And this blow is most ready, and so much the rather, it is possible to be performed, by how much the enemy thinks not, that the sword will passe in full circle that way, for the enemy being somewhat disappointed, by beating off the sword, after which beating, he is also to deliver his thrust, he cannot so speedily speed both those times but that he shalbe first struck with the edge of the sword, which he had before so beaten off.