36. Of the Defense of the Low Ward at Rapier and CloakΒΆ

To the end a man may ward himself from all the thrusts reckoned in the hurts of this ward, he neither ought, neither happily may do any other thing then void his body from the straight line, wherein the enemy purposes to strike, making a left pace forwards, somewhat thwarting or crossing and striking the enemy safely. The which does not so chance, when one defends himself either with the single Cloak or single Rapier: For whilst he assays to defend himself, he cannot strike. And if the enemy do first move, and strike straight, in the which, his sword is not carried much outwards (and it is hardly done,) I say, the enemy may by stealing of half paces, discharge a thrust perforce. And therefore he must take heed, that (as the enemy moves) he increase a slope pace (by that means voiding the hurt) then a thwart or crossing pace next, with the increase of a straight pace of the right foot, to strike the enemy with a thrust underneath.

This may suffice, for the handling of these weapons as much as appertains to sure play. All that which remains is reserved to the treatise of deceit, in which place shall be seen many handlings of the Cloak no less profitable then pleasant.

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35. Of the Hurt of the Low Ward at Rapier and Cloak

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