66. Of the Hurt of the Broad Ward at Two RapiersΒΆ

This broad ward, may in the self same manner be framed two ways, and it may deliver the self same blows, in the one as in the other: This ward is framed with one foot before, and one foot behind, the arm (which is borne on the side of the hind foot) being stretched wide, and broad outwards.

Therefore when one stands at this ward, and would deliver as straight and as safe a thrust as is possible, he shall first prove with his low Rapier, whether he can find his enemy’s Rapier, which being found, he shall turn his fist outwards, and force the enemy’s Rapier so much, that it may do no hurt, and then withall increasing presently a slope pace, shall go forwards to strike the enemy in the thigh, with the wide thrust. He might aswell also thrust him in the flank, or in the head, but yet the other thrust is used, because the Rapier, which is directed to the thigh, is in place, to hinder the enemy’s other Rapier to light on the legs.

And as in the high ward, so likewise in this, he must always stand without, and having delivered the wide thrust, he ought presently to widen the other arm, and settle himself in the broad ward.

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65. The Defense of the High Ward at Two Rapiers

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67. Of the Defense of the Broad Ward at Two Rapiers

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