34. The Defense of the Broad Ward at Rapier and CloakΒΆ

To him that will safely ward himself from the hurt of the broad ward, it is requisite, that he stand at the low ward. And when the thrust underneath comes, he shall thrust at the face, fetching a compass with his hindfoot towards the right side, with which kind of thrust, it does lightly happen that the enemy is hit in the face: but  if it fail, yet for all that, the enemy obtains not his purpose, in the discharge of the thrust of the broad ward: For by delivering the thrust underneath, and compassing of the hindfoot, the body is carried out of the straight line: So that, as soon as the thrust is delivered at the face, and the enemy not struck therewith, but passes beyond his head, the reverse is to be turned at the face, and the foot to be plucked back, settling in the broad ward. To ward the right and reversed blows, there is a thrust to be given at the thighs or some other place that may most hinder them, in the very same time that such blows are in their circle or compass. Although I do not believe that there is a man so foolish, that (in this ward) will deliver a reverse only.

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33. The Hurt of the Broad Ward at Rapier and Cloak

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